Everything revealed...or is it?
...we get a little bored at question time (online). Let's have a conversation, tea, and maybe a sneaky treat...sitting around and discussing a subject! That's how we'll know if we are right for each other...
Here are our interesting bits of information...inspirations...motivations!
A taste of links taking you to places where things may have been seen, felt or heard.
Qiological Podcast
Conversations in and around Chinese medicine.
Wonder often. Listen. Learn...indeed I have, thank you Qiological.
What is acupuncture? What is qi?
In a recent podcast, Qiological - episode 391, Michael Max was discussing this very topic with Evan Mahoney. From around the 14 min - 20 min...they discuss qi sensations related to acupuncture...two of the best at the game!
SAAM acupuncture
Qiological master-mind Michael Max, together with Toby Daley; have inspired me to study fundamentals and skills, which have helped me develop a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine & history, Korea, Japan...and integrating this medicine with Western medicine. Toby has written the most wonderful book.
Master Tung acupuncture
​We are regularly studying with Brad Whisnant because he is awesome! Brad has a deep history with Master Tung and Dr Tan balance method, styles of acupuncture.
AcuPro Academy
Clara and the team enlightened and motivated me on some finer points of Chinese medicine practice. Clara's books are brilliant!!! We have them all.
What do we cover with Chinese medicine?
Acupuncture, moxibustion, herbs, cupping, gua-sha, diet, exercise (qi-gong), massage (tui-na). We do plenty of talking (we ask funny questions...but stay with us! It will all make sense). Some like to sleep (acu-nap). We try to relate everything to a Western medicine understanding...for a better, functional understanding! There are many more aspects of this medicine to discover...that we study also.
Is Chinese medicine main-stream?
Yes! Chinese medicine is a part of the Allied Health field. There is many things we can do with Chinese medicine...we are very good at supporting Western medical methods to enhance positive outcomes for patients for almost all conditions...we study to become Doctors of Chinese medicine, and then we keep studying to build and maintain our professional development, personally and for our patients.
Pretty things to look at!
How can you not love clouds!!? The Instagram Cloud Appreciation Society